Video Marketing Services for B2B and B2C businesses in the Montreal Area & Surroundings

Video Marketing is What We Do.

What is Video Marketing?

Picture this: You are scrolling through your social media feed. What is the first thing that grabs your attention?

The answer: Videos!

That's video marketing in action.

Video marketing is a digital marketing strategy that uses video content to promote and market your products or services online, engage with your target audience, and achieve your business goals.

Video marketing is extremely powerful compared to other forms of digital marketing.

The reason is that video is the most engaging form of media in 2024.

Studies show that 44% of customers prefer to learn about a product or service by watching a short video, beating text-based content (13%) and sales calls (6%) (Source: Wyzowl).

How Effective is Video Marketing?

Video marketing is a powerful tool that can also improve the performance of other types of marketing such as SEO, PPC, and cold outreach.

Will Video Marketing Help My Business?

Definitely. Video marketing can be used to solve different problems you might experience throughout your Sales Funnel.

There are different types of video content you can use to eliminate business constraints that are limiting your cash flow such as low numbers of leads, poor lead quality, low conversion rate, low website traffic, time constraints, and labor expenses.

Best Social Media Platform to Distribute Video Content

What Platforms Should I Use to Distribute My Video Content?

Here’s the short answer: Distribute the content where your clients are.

If you have a business that sells products to consumers (B2C) then your best bet would be to distribute your video content on platforms where consumers are. These are platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, for example.

If you have a business that sells to other businesses (B2B) then your content will have more success on platforms such as LinkedIn, a platform where most people go to find business opportunities.

We recommend YouTube for both B2C and B2B businesses.

What Are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid in Video Marketing?

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Video Marketing

Some of the most common mistakes people make when doing video marketing are:

  • Not clearly defining the marketing goal and strategy: What is the goal of the video you are about to create? Without defining your marketing goal first, you cannot know what type of videos you have to create to reach it.
    A video strategy for lead generation on your social media can look very different from a video strategy used to increase the conversion rate on your website.

  • Not providing any value: People tend to think that promoting their business through video consists simply of recording footage of their company in action and putting it on social media.
    Usually, this does not provide any value to the viewer so they will most likely skip your video. You should ask yourself: Why would someone take the time to watch this video? What’s in it for the viewer?

  • Not defining who your target audience is: If you do not know what your ideal client looks like you cannot market to them.
    Get very specific about defining who your target audience is before creating video content (age, gender, personality, and beliefs), and align the content with their needs, desires, and pain points.

Define Your Video Marketing Goal

Ready to Start Scaling Your Business?

If you’d like us to review your content strategy and figure out what video marketing strategy would be best for your business, book a free 30-minute consultation.

Fill out the form and we will get in touch with you within the next 24 hours.

We are based in Montreal.

We serve Quebec and Ontario and are looking to expand.

Video Production Montreal